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Nobody in this planet has the perfect job. Including you. Here are the jobs that everyone, including you, should try at least once in their lives.
It is one of the most basic of jobs and, in fact, quite a number of people (like Lady Gaga and Jen Aniston) have actually done this at some point of their lives. As you wait on tables, you learn qualities like patience, humility and subservience. The best part is that you earn more in tips that would make your salary look tiny.
这是最基本的工作。事实上,很多人(像 Lady Gaga和珍妮弗·安妮斯顿)在他们人生中的某个阶段都做过这份工作。当你在桌旁等候时,你学到了耐心、谦卑和服从。这份工作的部分是你会发现你收到的小费比工资还要多。
Baby sitter
It might be justified if you wouldn't want to associate yourself with what you consider a girl's job. However, this job deserves at least one go because it might help you in your later life, apart from helping you make some extra bucks. Before marriage, men usually find kids extremely annoying and even repulsive to a great extent. When you opt for baby-sitting as a job, you learn how to deal with the very babies that made you cringe before. This could, in fact, be the first step you could take towards fatherhood and would be a great thing to do before you plan to start your own family. Even Anne Hathaway was a baby sitter before she hit it big time in Hollywood (if that's any consolation).
For the thrill of convincing someone to pay you money for something they don't need. The more you succeed in it, the more your feeling of awesomeness. Learning the tricks of the selling trade not only adds to your smartness but also to your inherent ability to manipulate others. Also, there certainly is some charm to a job that was Jerry Seinfield's first.
Customer Service Representative
This particular job is more like stepping into somebody else's shoes. To be more precise, all those customer care reps you have yelled your lungs out at, at some point of your life. You'll realize that being a customer service executive is, indeed, a job much tougher and challenging than any other desk bound job that you might opt for. Hopefully, after this stint, you'll stop holding the customer care rep. responsible for every fault of his employers.
Driver/ Chauffeur
You're a man and there's no thrill better than getting behind some nasty wheels. While driving a taxi might not exactly be as thrilling, getting yourself a job as a chauffeur of high profile businessman or a celebrity might just be the start of a fantastic experience. While you whisk them around the city, you also get to be a part of their everyday dealings, albeit indirectly. As you gain knowledge about the things they do, you might be able to incorporate them into your life and, perhaps, create your own success story. Even Brad Pitt drove his way right into Hollywood while chauffeuring a limousine.

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上海幼儿小学初高中成人外教英语口语 上海闵行莘庄幼儿小学初中高中成人英语培训-欧美外教语言培训中心 上海徐汇闵行松江莘庄英语口语培训-上海欧美外教语言培训中心




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